Lip Treatment For Dark Lips

Simple Remedies To Getting Rid Of Your Dark Lips
There can be many causes for your dark lips. Sometimes lips are dark normally. The other factors that cause lips to get darker are more smoking, hormonal imbalances, UV rays,  sun exposure, allergies to various chemicals and ingredients from your lip makeup products that we use, and too much of tea and caffeine intake. Read on here how to lighten lips properly.
Rosy lips are one of the most desired features of a female charm which make her look bright. If you are having rosy lips now, you don’t require wearing lipstick all the times for you.
Here are good natural remedies about how to get rid of dark lips. These remedies work on your lips that have become dark due to age and other more factors:
1. The first step for you to lighten dark lips is to find out which of the above few reasons are responsible for making your nice lips look dark. After identifying the culprit, we suggest quit that habit and then begin the dark lips lightening treatment with the help of various very natural ingredients available in your home.
2. The second step- about how to lighten your lips is taking care of skin in general by consuming healthy foods to develop your skin conditions in nature.
3. The third step- is to use lips makeup products having skin very friendly ingredients, without any harmful some chemicals and bleachers to eliminate the must possibility of causing any losses to your lips.
4. Rest of our recommended steps about how to lighten dark your lips includes few natural home remedies. Here are the best-selected home remedies to lighten lips:
(i) Exfoliate your lips daily to remove the dead skin cells, as they make your lips look dull and dark. For this purpose, an easy method is to use a wet child toothbrush or homemade sugar scrub. Then apply honey all over lips. In case your lips are chapped, then use child toothbrush coated with Vaseline.
you can make a natural lips sugar scrub by mixing sugar with just cold cream.
(ii) Honey is the very effective remedy for lightening lips that have become dark with your age and other external factors. And Honey is a natural ingredient having many beauty avails, including that it can soften your lips and give your lips a pinkish glow. You can apply honey all over lips at bedtime and let it very dry. Please Don’t wash it off. You can also make a mixture of your honey, lime juice, and glycerin and apply it daily.
(iii) Keep your mind Lemon juice is well known for it's your skin lightening abilities and can be used for lightening for lips. lemon juice is acidic, so it would help in wasting all the dead skin cells and free agents from the surface of your lips. Bedtime is some time to massage your lips with very freshly squeezed lemon juice, before when you go to sleep.
(iv) Almond oil is another very used home remedy to get rid of your dark lips. You will find many lip glosses and balms that contain almond oil.
Extreme on weather conditions, including too much exposure to the sun, can harm your lips and skin, so make it sure to apply almond oil on your lips if you are heading out in blinding hot sun or sometimes extreme weathers.
You can also massage for your lips with a mixture of almond oil and castor oil to lighten only your lips.
(v) Make your own lip balm by mixing a little of fresh strawberry juice with double the amount of petroleum jelly. Apply this homemade best effective lip balm every day  on your lips for getting pinkish lips and smooth.
(vi) Many berries like strawberries and raspberries contain vital vitamins and minerals that keep your lips lovely & healthy contribute in proper treating dark lips. You can make a toothpaste by mixing 1 to 2 raspberries with 1-2 teaspoons of aloe Vera juice and 1-2teaspoon of honey or gel. Massage this paste on your lips and leave it just for 5 to

10 minutes. Wash it off and fast apply a home-made lip Vaseline or balm or petroleum jelly.
(vii) Clove oil is also used to patchy lips and treat dark. Olive oil is another best oil into other oils because it is known to be healthy to use on your lips to make them vibrant and lively. Apply any of these oils before you when to go to sleep.
(vii) Apple cider vinegar is another very effective natural ingredient to massage on your lips to lighten them very naturally.
(viii) Rub your lips every day with a mixture of gram flour with a little of lemon juice and honey to make them nice rosy.
(ix) And Beetroot juice is known to have natural bleaching properties and so apply it over lips to lighten them.
(x) Raw potato juice also has good properties to lighten your dark lips naturally.
(xi) Please Avoid smoking and cut down on the intake of coffee and tea, as they not only stain your teeth – they can also cause further darkening of your lips.
(xii) Must Avoid wearing lipstick all the times, as it can contribute to lips darkening. So avoid continued use of them over a long time. Keep your lips bare and let them breathe, unless it is important to wear lipstick.
(xiii) Use a lip balm which has SPF in it or uses sunscreen whenever you go out in the hot sun, which can otherwise increase the number of pigments in your lips and make them dull and dark.
Follow the above very easy lips lightening remedies every day to make your lips smooth, soft, lively and blooming like a rose.
If the above home remedies to lighten dark lips are not working, consider consulting your dermatologist, as you may need intensive lips lightening cream or
