Healthy morning routines make the start of your day very awesome!And this morning that there is some good food for your liver And…if the start of the day is very good, then the rest of the day is bound to be good as well, right? E.g., if you wake up in a bad mood time, you are perhaps to carry that bad mood through the rest of the day.
Healthy morning routines make the start of your day very awesome! And…if the start of the day is good, then the rest of the day is bound to be good as well, right?
E.g., if you wake up in a bad mood, you are likely to carry that bad mood through the rest of your day. If you wake up energized, you are likely to get more done and feel happier for the rest of your day.
When the sunrise….and you rise out of bed…what healthy morning routines are you following perfectly?
Having some healthy morning routines will make obviously that every morning is a good one…and obviously, increase your chances of enjoying more very good days!
Below I am presenting the good healthy morning routines in five realms: productivity, nutrition, energy, happiness, connection with other people. Which one will you adopt?
1. The best of productivity healthy morning routines: Decide the ONE most necessary thing to do
Do you get up from a bed and already feel overwhelmed with the things you have to do? Not a very good way to start your day…
Tim Ferris, author of NYT best-selling book “The four-hour Workweek” instructs us to decide the 1 very important thing to accomplish during the day and…preferably make sure we tackle it very first.
To find the task that is the very important to you just ask yourself: “What is the task that if I accomplish today just that, I will be must satisfied with my day?”
Found it? Beautiful. No, you are ready to go tackle it!
2. You best nutritious healthy morning routines: Eat fresh breakfast
Eat SOMETHING! Eating breakfast is one of the healthiest good morning routines you can have! It will help you jump start your metabolism, and give the good and appropriate energy you need to get on with for a day.
If your choice of foods is healthy, then great. Foods and Fruits with proteins will work very nicely.
3. The best of happiness good healthy morning routines: Meditate in appreciation
Woke up in your bad mood? Just spend ten breaths pondering about the perfect stuff in your life.
• Your nice body – Just think how many cells do their job right, just to keep now YOU living – this is true even if you are sick this time.
• The people you love – Your family member, friends, husband/wife, etc.
• The work you do, or your hobbies – Aren’t the flowers in your nice garden pure beauties?
4. comfortable and The best of energizer healthy morning routines: Get moving
Exercise gets your perfect blood flowing…and it feels so very good!
If you are an outdoors person, you could…
• Jog
• Take a walk
• Take a walk bouncing a basketball at the few time
If you are an any indoors person, you could…
• Do five min of yoga – hating Mondays is optional!
• Work out in your personal dining room, while you just wait for your breakfast to be ready.
• Do two sets of push-ups.
Finally, if you must want to get a helps, but are not exactly bouncing with energy when you wake up, then you must try the “I need Focus Workout“. It takes 35-40 minute to complete and
5. The best of connecting your healthy morning routines: Say “I really love you”
Just say it. Don’t neglect it. Why avoid saying something so very simple that has the power to make people so happy?
Want to give your morning routine a…facelift? Read you how Leo Babauta of Zenhabits.net did that with his good morning routine!
You may be surprised but out of the healthy and good morning routines above, I am currently full practicing each one of them except for the exercise one! Ouch! I would like to your exercise in the morning and feel great every moment I have done it, but exercise currently belongs to my evening routine…
And this is something you can do as well. Except for your breakfast routine, you can very easily transfer each one of the others to the fully evening.
This method, they will help you sleep better and perfect, thus you will wake up well-rested and happier, enjoy a better morning and a more productive day! But if you are like Leo and would like to exercise in the morning…then must keep reading this.
“But how do I create lasting good routines?”
Say you decided to exercise every day in the morning. Ha, that’s easier said than done. Easy to do for just a few days…but when it comes to actually building a routine, i.e., something that you do over and over again for months or one year, then exercising every day does not seem as very easy anymore. You need to make must exercise a habit.
If that’s what you are very wondering about, then I got the perfect solution for you. The Exercise Bliss website teaches you perfect and exactly how to make exercise a habit…in 9 weeks.
Imagine…no more yo-yo. No more debating with yourself about doing it or not. You’re your exercise becomes a habit, you just do it, because that’s what you do.
What an awesome method to start your day! Make exercise a habit and you will have a very amazing energizing routine set right in your day.
Which one of the good healthy morning routines are you already doing? Which ones will you adopt?
Healthy morning routines make the start of your day very awesome! And…if the start of the day is good, then the rest of the day is bound to be good as well, right?
E.g., if you wake up in a bad mood, you are likely to carry that bad mood through the rest of your day. If you wake up energized, you are likely to get more done and feel happier for the rest of your day.
When the sunrise….and you rise out of bed…what healthy morning routines are you following perfectly?
Having some healthy morning routines will make obviously that every morning is a good one…and obviously, increase your chances of enjoying more very good days!
Below I am presenting the good healthy morning routines in five realms: productivity, nutrition, energy, happiness, connection with other people. Which one will you adopt?
1. The best of productivity healthy morning routines: Decide the ONE most necessary thing to do
Do you get up from a bed and already feel overwhelmed with the things you have to do? Not a very good way to start your day…
Tim Ferris, author of NYT best-selling book “The four-hour Workweek” instructs us to decide the 1 very important thing to accomplish during the day and…preferably make sure we tackle it very first.
To find the task that is the very important to you just ask yourself: “What is the task that if I accomplish today just that, I will be must satisfied with my day?”
Found it? Beautiful. No, you are ready to go tackle it!
2. You best nutritious healthy morning routines: Eat fresh breakfast
Eat SOMETHING! Eating breakfast is one of the healthiest good morning routines you can have! It will help you jump start your metabolism, and give the good and appropriate energy you need to get on with for a day.
If your choice of foods is healthy, then great. Foods and Fruits with proteins will work very nicely.
3. The best of happiness good healthy morning routines: Meditate in appreciation
Woke up in your bad mood? Just spend ten breaths pondering about the perfect stuff in your life.
• Your nice body – Just think how many cells do their job right, just to keep now YOU living – this is true even if you are sick this time.
• The people you love – Your family member, friends, husband/wife, etc.
• The work you do, or your hobbies – Aren’t the flowers in your nice garden pure beauties?
4. comfortable and The best of energizer healthy morning routines: Get moving
Exercise gets your perfect blood flowing…and it feels so very good!
If you are an outdoors person, you could…
• Jog
• Take a walk
• Take a walk bouncing a basketball at the few time
If you are an any indoors person, you could…
• Do five min of yoga – hating Mondays is optional!
• Work out in your personal dining room, while you just wait for your breakfast to be ready.
• Do two sets of push-ups.
Finally, if you must want to get a helps, but are not exactly bouncing with energy when you wake up, then you must try the “I need Focus Workout“. It takes 35-40 minute to complete and
5. The best of connecting your healthy morning routines: Say “I really love you”
Just say it. Don’t neglect it. Why avoid saying something so very simple that has the power to make people so happy?
Want to give your morning routine a…facelift? Read you how Leo Babauta of Zenhabits.net did that with his good morning routine!
You may be surprised but out of the healthy and good morning routines above, I am currently full practicing each one of them except for the exercise one! Ouch! I would like to your exercise in the morning and feel great every moment I have done it, but exercise currently belongs to my evening routine…
And this is something you can do as well. Except for your breakfast routine, you can very easily transfer each one of the others to the fully evening.
This method, they will help you sleep better and perfect, thus you will wake up well-rested and happier, enjoy a better morning and a more productive day! But if you are like Leo and would like to exercise in the morning…then must keep reading this.
“But how do I create lasting good routines?”
Say you decided to exercise every day in the morning. Ha, that’s easier said than done. Easy to do for just a few days…but when it comes to actually building a routine, i.e., something that you do over and over again for months or one year, then exercising every day does not seem as very easy anymore. You need to make must exercise a habit.
If that’s what you are very wondering about, then I got the perfect solution for you. The Exercise Bliss website teaches you perfect and exactly how to make exercise a habit…in 9 weeks.
Imagine…no more yo-yo. No more debating with yourself about doing it or not. You’re your exercise becomes a habit, you just do it, because that’s what you do.
What an awesome method to start your day! Make exercise a habit and you will have a very amazing energizing routine set right in your day.
Which one of the good healthy morning routines are you already doing? Which ones will you adopt?
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