Six Month Baby Food Chart

Half year has gone by since you had your baby – the time can go so very fast. Even though, with the best of intentions, you want to make the most of each one day, you likely feel too busy sometimes to pause and just be in the moment. Please Try to make time to just enjoy your cute baby and become immersed in them. It is through this quiet, unhurried moment that you will be giving your child some of the most important nurturing they will ever receive.
This is a lovely age to secure your child in their pram and go outside with them. Take baby out for walks and talk to them about what you can visit. Try not to limit their disclosure to the world and be positive about what you are doing. You are your baby’s earliest and necessary and from you, they will learn that the world is generally a safe and good place to be.
Sleeping and Feeding
At 6 months, most babies are ready to be introduced to solid fresh foods. Few babies are ready beforehand and have been munching on solids already. But by six months the any iron stores which were very laid down while they were still in the uterus have been used up and they need to be topped up. Breast milk of Mother Low in iron and this is why one of the 1st solid foods offered to babies is iron fortified rice cereal. Many Child's don’t like the taste so try some pureed fruit such as unsweetened apple or pear mixed through it. Vitamin C helps with iron absorption and many child's like the taste and texture of pureed fruits. Milk still needs to be number 1 on your Child's dietary menu for now so offer them their milk feeds first, followed by solids.
Your baby still needs three day time sleeps of 1-3 hours and up to 10 hours sleep overnight. This may seem like an awful lot, especially if your baby isn’t too keen on sleep. Try to settle them using the same good techniques and strategies during the day as you do at night. When parents are consistent and very remain calm, this can go a long method towards promoting sound sleep habits in their children.
Your behavior
Your baby will think they are so very clever this month when they learn to blow raspberries. Few will even grab their parent’s face and suck on a cheek or nose. This is a very strongly oral phase when your child will learn a lot about the whole world by their mouth. Try not to be too fanatical when it comes to cleanliness or stop your cut baby from placing everything in their mouth. Now that a baby is eating solid fresh food they will be exposed to all sorts of a substances which are not sterile or all time as clean as they could be.
Read to your child every day, if you haven’t been doing this already. Watch them as you show them bright photos and point out familiar scenes to them. Don’t be too very critical of yourself when it comes to chatting to your baby – they won’t be.
If you laugh with them, they will laugh back. You’ll know the little games they like to play and will see them almost anticipate the next right step in a game sequence. But your cute baby’s tolerance for games and interaction will still be just only short and they will tell you when they have had must enough. Breaking their gaze, looking away, becoming crying and irritable are all signs that it is time to stop and have a change of your scenery. Knowing when to stop is as necessary as initiating a game. Try to be sensitive to your Childs cues or signals. You being responsive to them will be your cute baby’s first study in how they can improve their own best empathy when it comes to relating to other person.
Developmental milestones

Your child will be able to support their weight on their small legs for a very short while now, though you will have to hold their hands firmly while they do this. Learning to balance takes lots of time and more practice; watch the concentration on your cute baby’s face as they try to get it right. This is the month when many Child's start to sit on their own, but just only for in short periods. They will tend to topple forwards or sideways so you will have to watch them with closely. If your baby is not showing any interest in sitting, don’t force them. Few babies don’t sit independently until after they have properly learned to crawl, at around 8-9 months of baby’s age.
Teeth may make an nice appearance this month so look at baby’s gums and see if you can see any change in them. The first teeth to erupt are generally the bottom central (middle) incisors. Once your baby has a tooth or two, make a point of cleaning them with a soggy washer every day.
Your baby is learning shortly that those projections at the end of their hand are basically under their control. Their fine motor pincer grasp still won’t have promoted so you will see them “rake” objects into the palm of their soft hands. Your child will use both hands proper equally at this age and it won’t be until they are in their pre-school years that their individual hand dominance will be clear.

Your baby will have doubled their birth and weight by now, if not they were premature or have had problems with their weight gain. Your child’s head will still be very large in relation to the rest of their cute body, but they will be looking more in ratio than they did after their birth. If you notice your baby’s head is flattened at the back, make an important point of mentioning this to your early childhood nurse. Changing your child’s position in their cot that you present using now, ensuring they have tummy time each day and preventing them from lying in the same position for a long time can make a big difference.
Keeping well
This month your baby will be due for their third lot of vaccinations, so make an appointment or detect when the free vaccination clinic will be in your area. Try to have a relatively quiet, uneventful day after your child has been vaccinated. albeit side effects are uncommon, some child’s can still be a little unsettled and simple grizzly afterwards. See our immunization information and chart for more information.
Many babies have their 1st cold at around six months, much to their parent’s disappointment. It can be very scary when your baby gets sick for the first time and seeking reassurance from a health care professional is common. All time trust your gut feeling when it comes to having your baby checked. Even though they may seem fine, if you just have a sense that few moment is not right, this alone can be the reason for them to be assessed. A change in feeding, an elevated temperature, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, change in behavior can all be signs that few is not right.
Interaction and Play
Join a playgroup or gym class if you’re keen. A child massage group, exercise for mothers or just a pram push group can all be great methods to must keep up your human contact. Avoid falling into the snare of making per the second count when it comes to playing with your cute baby. They will benefit from little quiet, calm time alone when they can just very chill out as well. If they are happy and don’t need to be settled or fed, give them the perfect opportunity to just look at their nice toys and entertain themselves. This is a necessary, life-long skill which starts in the early years.
See our activities page for your ideas.
What about mum?
If you are feeling a little unchallenged try to create a point of reading, even if it’s few light. Listening to the radio, subscribing to one magazine, signing up for e-newsletters can all help with maintaining connections of outside world. You may find your focus is so properly on your cute child at the moment that everything else just takes a back seat. This is healthy and fine, but don’t forget your needs too when it comes to maintaining your own fresh brain pathways.
Your emotions
You may find yourself reflecting on when would be the perfect time to have another child. Even though you are not likely to be making any good firm plans, you could reflect on the last six months and consider if having more children is on your agenda. There is no ideal few age gap between the baby in a family – there are just too many individual variables which an influence this decision.
Your sleep needs
If your child is finally sleeping for longer overnight, enjoy the benefits of this yourself. If you still find just yourself struggling to keep your eyes open past eight pm give into your body’s signs that you need to babies sleep.Some female experience overwhelming fatigue at this stage and just put it down to some demands of parenting. But if you still feel exhausted even if you are having a reasonable amount of sleep in the day, check with your G.P. Thyroid or necessary of hormonal is not uncommon and one of the syndromes is extreme tiredness.
Your relationships
If your partner is feeling a little left out, make a point of properly including them in your cute baby’s care. It’s easy to become so absorbed and immersed in child care that we can overlook the contribution others can make too. Step back in sometimes and try not to All time be seen as the “expert” parent. Babies only benefit from receiving loving good care and interaction from lots of people. Although they develop primary, close relationships with the great caregivers, there is a lot of must truth in the saying that “it takes a village to raise a child”.
